String Theory

In which we invite the reader to view the sky through ancient eyes, astronomy in a time before lenses. The stars provided a clock for the nighttime hours, and a navigator’s aid. The heliacal rising and setting of bright sentinel stars marked a calendar of the year. In recent centuries that most people have lost connection with this traditional wisdom; to understand the history of the constellations, we have to understand how people of the Bronze Age viewed and used the stars.

Memory Palace of the Sky

Star alignments were not only used to define the stars of the constellations,
but helped to remember them.

The Greeks and the Zodiac

Wherein we suggest that the Zeus-cult of Bronze Age Greece adopted Mesopotamian astrology and the stars of the Zodiac.

Ancient Manuscript Texts

Here, we discuss the nature of texts in the time before the printing press.

The Eye of Horus

Wherein we propose that the placement of Algol in the eye of Medusa was intentional. Today, we know the eye of the Ghoul (al Gul) as one of the most prominent variable stars, detectable to naked-eye observers. Here, we discuss recent evidence that Egyptian astrologers of the Mycenaean era were aware of this phenomenon. It seems to us likely that astrologers of the period, from Mesopotamia to Mycenae, would have known of this phenomenon.


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